Weekly Schedule

  • Mondays

    9am Daily Insights into the Parsha
    1215pm Jewish History
    8pm Rambam

    It all begins with exploring the weekly torah portion with insights from Sages, Kabbalah and Chassidus. Then in then in the afternoon join Rabbi Elya as we explore our people’s footsteps in this fast paced 30min class. Ending the night with how to think and act as a Jew according to the Rambam.

  • Tuesdays

    9am Daily insights into the Parsha
    1215pm Tanya in Depth
    8pm Making prayer relevant

    This is the day G-d said “is good.” Packed with Kabbalsistic insights into our soul and what our purpose is, all these classes will connect you to The Source of it all.

  • Wednesdays

    9am Daily insights into the Parsha
    1215pm PARDES
    8pm Laws of Shabbos and Holidays
    11pm Chassidic insights into the week

    Explore the torah texts from their simple meaning to it’s soul with Pardes. But don’t forget G-d wants us to live in a phsycial world and act Godly with our material items as we move in Jewish law. And stay up for a nightcap of deep spiritual ideas in the parsha.

  • Thursdays

    9am Daily Insights into the Parsha
    1215pm Tehillim in depth
    8pm Talmudic episodes

  • Fridays (in the summer)

    1215pm Kabbalat Shabbat Shakedown

    Let’s get ready for Shabbat the right way. We will sing songs, talk about ideas to share at the table, and connect with eachother and Hashem.